Welcome to prepare for the Junior World Orienteering Championships 2025 in Trentino!
We offer you the possibility to train on sprint and forest maps, relevant for JWOC competitions.
Official training courses will be available from May 2024, October 2024 and April 2025.
All training activities should be coordinated with the organizers, contact training@jwoc2025.it
You find the location of all the training areas with a preview of each map (low resolution image, click on the polygonal shapes) here: TRAININGS AREA
Note that teams can organize their own training camps anytime.
Official training camps will be organized in the following dates, with some sessions with orienteering flags and SPORTident timing (training schedule is preliminary):
There will be National competitions on relevant terrains, more info on FISO website:
Malga Brigolina
Val di Sella
Val di Sella
Rifugio Maranza
Trento Sanbapolis
Ziano di Fiemme
Borgo Valsugana
In order to book trainings, you can contact training@jwoc2025.it and you will receive the order form. If different national teams organize camps together, all of them must fill out the form.
The invoice will be sent to the recipient indicated in the form at the end of the training camp.
Booked printed maps will be shipped or handed over based on the agreement.
You have different possibilities to buy maps for training:
A. Printed map with official training course: 6 € per athlete/training
B. PDF map file with/without course for own printing: 3 € per athlete/training
C. Purchase of the map file (OCAD): 30 € per team + 3 € per athlete/training
You can find a summary of all the official trainings above.
Booked printed maps will be of the same quality, material and printing company as it will be at the JWOC 2025 competitions (IOF Certified Printer – DBS Rasai).
Some maps are older but should be already revised.
The control description will be printed directly on the map and in some case also separately.
All control points in the forest trainings are marked, also the start and finish locations.
If a control marking is missing, please let us know so we can put it to the control point again. It may have been removed by strange people…
Control points will not be marked in the terrain in the sprint trainings.
For any other request such as accommodation and transports, contact training@jwoc2025.it
Please respect also the following notes during your trainings, as we need to work together for a great JWOC 2025 in the beautiful Trentino! We have a good cooperation with local authorities in the Region and we want to take good care that it stays like this. The goal must be that everyone will be happy with our JWOC organization and locals will look forward to welcome you and follow the competitions in June 2025. That means:
- no car traffic on roads which are forbidden or closed, especially in the forest areas;
- parking is only permitted on dedicated and allowed places;
- train only in the time periods when it is allowed and respect the embargoed areas;
- if you put orienteering flags, tape or plastic bands to mark controls you need to collect them after and please let us know in advance;
- be respectful to other people you may encounter during your trainings: landowners, forest workers, mountaineers, tourists, cyclists, pedestrians. Talk to them, explain what you are doing and highlight orienteering as an amazing sport;
- behave in a respectful manner towards the environment. Sort the waste into the prepared containers. Do not leave any garbage in the forest or basically anywhere;
- be careful when running on roads and respect cyclists and vehicles
- it is forbidden to build tents and sleeping in the forest, making fire, crossing fences which are in good condition, entering places where forest work is carried out;
- keep your distance when you hear a chainsaw or harvester or machines in the forest;
- carefully check for ticks after each forest training, especially in the Spring. If you find one, don’t panic but remove the tick as soon as possible. The safest way to remove a tick is to use a proper removal tool. Keep an eye on the bite site. If a large red rash develops, or if you feel unwell, tell the coaches;
- everyone participates in the training/competitions at their own risk.